Ordinary Meetings
Ordinary Meetings of the full council are held once a month, generally at 7:30pm in the Club Room of the Village Centre in St Mary Bourne, on the second Tuesday of the month.
Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and may address the council on any matter during the time allowed for public speaking.
Agendas and Minutes are all recorded, click on the links below.
Parish Councillors are elected firstly as members of Full Council and then as representatives on various working parties. The Full Council is responsible for all aspects of the Parish Council’s remit and setting the relevant budgets.
District and County Councillors are invited to attend and provide reports and are happy to respond to queries from either parishioners or Council members.
The Parish Council also organises and hosts the Annual Parish Assembly, which has to take place every year during May.
All minutes prior to this are archived and may be viewed by visiting the Hampshire Record Office in Winchester.