AGAR 2020-2021
St Mary Bourne Parish Council did not submit an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for the Financial Year 2020-2021.
This is considered a fail of the audit and a Public Interest Report was issued.
The appointed external auditor, under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, has a duty to consider whether to issue a report in the public interest when a significant matter comes to their attention which they believe the Council should consider or the public should know about. A public interest report is issued under Schedule 7 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The Act requires the Council to consider a public interest report at a public meeting within one month of the date of the report.
The auditor has a duty to send a copy of each report to the Secretary of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the power to send a copy to other appropriate persons such as the local Monitoring Officer.