Grounds Maintenance Contract Opportunity
St Mary Bourne Parish Council are inviting tenders for the Parish of St Mary Bourne Grounds Maintenance contract for the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2027 with a potential two-year extension to 31st March 2029 subject to performance, price and any prevailing legislation.
St Mary Bourne Parish Council are looking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced provider who must be able to demonstrate a proven track record of providing a mixed grounds maintenance service within public open spaces; demonstrate knowledge of the grounds to be maintained, demonstrate the resilience, modern equipment and sustainability to undertake a three-year term of supply with the potential for a two-year extension.
All documents relating to the tender and for completion by the contractor are available below.
Under the terms of the Audit Regulations and the Council’s Standing Orders, St Mary Bourne Parish Council are required to seek more than one tender for the contract and this invitation is being advertised through the Public Sector Contracts Finder (Open Procedure) and advertising on the St Mary Bourne Parish Council website.
The closing date for submission of tender documents from potential suppliers is 12:00 noon on Friday 26th January 2024. The documents will be opened during the following week in the presence of the Clerk and two Parish Councillors.
All tender submissions should be made by post to The Parish Clerk, St Mary Bourne Parish Council, Bourne Meadow, St Mary Bourne, Hampshire, SP11 6BE and an electronic copy to